Main Periodic Electrical Testing Title to go here

Brief outline of the compliance services offered by Verismart here. Brief outline of the compliance services offered by Verismart here. Brief outline of the compliance services offered by Verismart here. Brief outline of the compliance services offered by Verismart here.

Brief outline of the compliance services offered by Verismart here. Brief outline of the compliance services offered by Verismart here. Brief outline of the compliance services offered by Verismart here. Brief outline of the compliance services offered by Verismart here.

Brief outline of the compliance services offered by Verismart here. Brief outline of the compliance services offered by Verismart here. Brief outline of the compliance services offered by Verismart here. Brief outline of the compliance services offered by Verismart here.

Brief outline of the compliance services offered by Verismart here. Brief outline of the compliance services offered by Verismart here. Brief outline of the compliance services offered by Verismart here. Brief outline of the compliance services offered by Verismart here.

Periodic Electrical Testing Brochure Form

*Agents & Landlords, please use the postcode of your invoicing address for the search

function populateLongLat() { console.log("populateLongLat"); var service = new google.maps.places.PlacesService($('#mapnode').get(0)); var request = { query: $("#Postcode").val(), fields: ['geometry'], }; service.findPlaceFromQuery(request, callback); } function callback(results, status) { if (status == google.maps.places.PlacesServiceStatus.OK) { for (var i = 0; i < results.length; i++) { var place = results[i]; // Update latitude and fire angular update var lat = document.getElementById("latitude"); lat.value =; var $lat = angular.element(lat); $lat.triggerHandler('input'); // Update longitude and fire angular update var lng = document.getElementById("longitude"); lng .value = place.geometry.location.lng(); var $lng = angular.element(lng); $lng.triggerHandler('input'); } } }